Should you consider physiotherapy for your lower back pain problems?

Many people complain about lower back pain. This problem affects persons of different ages and lifestyles. Physiotherapy is now widely acclaimed as a safe and effective method to treat lower back pain. The trick is to visit a reputable physiotherapy clinic for professional help. The objective in regards to patients suffering from lower back pain is to re-establish pain-free motion and functionality in the injured back while at the same time reducing the likelihood of re-occurrence.

The lower back, also referred to as the lumbar spine, has of five vertebrae, featuring cartilage discs sandwiched in between for proper cushioning. The vertebra creates a protective cover around the spinal cord.

Typical causes of lower back pain

Ligament sprains Basically, ligaments are the sturdy fibrous band; however, if they become overly stretched too quickly, they may be get torn. In effect, this may lead to pain and swelling.

Back muscle strains Lifting things that are extremely heavy, bad lifting posture as well as muscle fatigue often results in poor joint stablisation plus an injury.

Bulging discs When a section of a disc exerts pressure against a nerve in the spinal cord and nips it, this creates a bulging disc, which affects its function. Patients are likely to experience pain, numbness or even spasms.

Physiotherapy treatment

Often, lower back pain responds nicely to physiotherapy treatment, affording respite from pain. Part of the treatment plan will include:

Managing pain Although pain is in fact the last symptom you feel from a lower back problem, it is the first thing that will be addressed. An anti-inflammatory drug serves to alleviate the swelling akin to cold or heat therapy based on the actual stage of your injury.

Re-establishing normal range of movement With the inflammation decreasing, you will feel less pain and your physiotherapist will seek to restore typical lumbar spine function so that you can move effortlessly. A lot of concentration will be on the muscles adjacent to the spine referred to as the core muscles.

Strong abdominal muscles provide support to your lower back, which means your physiotherapist will devise a core stability programme for you. Generally, Pilates is strongly advised to softly build core strength to avoid the re-occurrence of lower back pain.

Re-establishing full function Based on the demands for your lower back, your physiotherapist will massage your lower back into full functionality. Additionally, you will be given tips on how to reduce strain on your back, including standing up for a few minutes after every hour and performing a few simple stretches. Moreover, you'll also be advised on the right sitting posture.
